Oliv&sens, elected best French olive oil in the international competition 'Japan Olive Oil Prize 2022'

Intense taste, Subtle taste, Old fashioned taste

Intense taste, Subtle taste, Old fashioned taste

Olive oils can be classified according to three families of taste: intense taste (green fruitiness), subtle taste (ripe fruitiness), old-fashioned taste (matured olives).

Olive oils with an intense taste (fruity green), with vegetal and herbaceous notes, has a slight bitterness and pungency. They are produced from fresh olives harvested during their maturity.

Oliv&sens olive oils Aglandau et Bouteillan are part of this family of oils with an intense taste.

Olive oils with a subtle taste (ripe fruitiness), sweet, with aromas of fruit, flowers and vegetal notes. They are produced from ripe and fresh olives.

Oliv&sens olive oils Picholine et Négrette are part of this family of oils with a subtle taste.

Olive oils with an old-fashioned taste (matured olives), with notes of vanilla, cocoa, candied fruit, it has no bitterness. They come from olives that are matured for about a week under very specific conditions, before extracting the olive oil. These oils are distinguished from oils with an intense taste and a subtle taste because they do not present a vegetable aroma, nor character of fresh fruit.

Oliv&sens olive oil Old fashioned taste, as its name suggests, is part of this family of old-school-tasting oils.

It is therefore the variety of olives, their maturity and the oil extraction method that determine the family to which each olive oil belongs.

Thanks to these three families of olive oils and their great aromatic diversity, everyone will be able to find the olive oil they like for each use.

Discover our olive oils in 500 ml or 250 ml format in our Book

Myriam & David

Posted on 24 November 2021